We’re at level one of lockdown in South Africa and things are slowly starting to return to normal, but it’s not over yet. There’s no doubt we’ve all suffered considerable losses although they’ve been nowhere near as severe as we anticipated.

The number of new cases is slowly declining, and our recovery rate is among the highest worldwide.

Yet, it’s vitally important to keep our eye on the ball right now. The pandemic is far from over and if we don’t keep up our good behaviour we’ll lose everything we’ve fought for all these long, hard months.

There’s No Reason for Celebration Just Yet

It’s important to remember that the coronavirus thrives during the cold winter months, so with our hot summer approaching, albeit hesitantly, it’s only natural that we’re starting to get a grip on the virus.

However, as the northern hemisphere enters their chilly season, the virus is starting to make a reappearance.

In South Africa, our infection rates are already starting to inch up again after a low of 773 cases at the end of September.

We cannot let our guard down in the final stretch, so here’s a refresher on how to stay safe in the months to come:

  • Wash your hands as often as you can for at least 20 seconds using soap and water
  • Use hand the hand sanitizer available in all public places
  • Keep your distance from other people. A metre’s good, two metres are better
  • Don’t go out unless you have to work, get medical attention, or pick up essentials
  • Avoid social gatherings if at all possible
  • Wear a mask every time you leave your home or when accepting deliveries
  • If you feel feverish or have a cough, stay at home

It’s not over yet!

If we all play by the rules, we’ll get through this, don’t give up now. There will be plenty of time for socialising in the future.

Remember, there is no cure for COVID-19 and we’ll never really be safe until we come up with a safe and effective vaccine against the virus.