It’s easy to feel helpless right now, but that isn’t going to help anyone. Least of all you…
The best way to feel better about your own situation and things in general is by helping others. Try these ideas on how to help during coronavirus. They really work:

Stay Home

This is the one time in your life when doing nothing might be the best thing you can do. Limiting contact between people is the only way to stop the coronavirus. It can’t get around by itself, it needs us to help it spread. By staying at home, you’re protecting yourself, your family, and the members of your community against infection.

You can keep yourself busy by tidying out your cupboards to see if you have anything to donate to those in need. When the coast is clear, or if you can find another safe way to do this, donate them to a needy family in your neighbourhood, or a worthy charity.

Check in on Others

Call friends and neighbours to see how they’re doing and if you can help with anything. Perhaps an elderly neighbour needs help ordering a grocery delivery online or via email – you can do it for them.

Maybe someone just needs to hear a friendly voice and know that someone cares. Let people know that you’re available to talk anytime they feel alone or overwhelmed.

Help Others Get What They Need

If you’re fit and healthy, offer to help those who are more vulnerable to infection with grocery shopping or other errands. There might be some items that they can’t get delivered, or they might need only a few things that you can pick up for them if you’re going to the shops.

If you know someone’s struggling to put food on the table (and you can help) buy a few extra items when you go shopping and leave them on their doorstep.

As far as possible, support small local businesses – it’s a win-win for you and them.

Stay Positive

We all know people who do nothing but moan and spread bad vibes about safety regulations, vaccines and more. Don’t be that person.

If you want to know how to help during coronavirus, the best thing you can do is to stay positive and try to spread hope and kindness, and be sure to register and have your vaccine as soon as your age group is eligible.

When you adopt this approach, you’ll find it soon becomes a habit, and you’ll be happier for it too.