Firstly, if you’re presently dealing with the loss of someone close to you due to COVID-19 please accept our sincere and heartfelt sympathies.

Nothing could have prepared you for this awful and unexpected tragedy but there are a few small things you can do to reach closure and keep going no matter how tough things are right now.

Recognise Your Grief of Losing a Loved One

No doubt your thoughts and emotions are cartwheeling through a range of feelings right now, from anger to sadness to frustration and back again. That’s okay. Acknowledging these natural emotions and allowing them to run their course is the first step towards healing.

There’s no wrong or right way to cope with what you’re going through. We can only offer advice on how to eventually move away from these spiralling feelings of despair.

Take Charge

While it’s tempting (perfectly okay) to give up and spend your days and nights in a state of limbo, don’t let your grief cloud your judgement. Your first priority should remain keeping yourself and your family safe. While the death of a loved one is out of your control, there are things you can do to prevent yourself and others from contracting this disease.

Don’t let your guard down and adopt an attitude of hopelessness against the coronavirus. Keep up a strict routine of sanitization, social distancing, and self-care at all costs.

Say Goodbye Your Own Way

A traditional funeral or memorial service to honour the life of your loved one may be off-limits at the moment, but it’s still important to hold some sort of ritual to get closure.

When you can, hold a virtual remembrance service for your loved one. You can do this on Zoom, social media, or WhatsApp. Don’t let their existence go unremembered.

Our unique site, Rainbow Nation Remembers, is dedicated to the memory of friends and family members that have passed away due to COVID-19 in South Africa, and it is here that you can memorialise your loved one too, and reach out to others who share your loss and grief.

Don’t Make any Rash Decisions

There’s a good chance a loved one’s death has brought about major changes in your life. As far as possible, put off making life-changing decisions for now. Instead, try to recognise and understand the symptoms of your grief of losing a loved one for what they are and be patient with yourself.

Avoid changing jobs, moving, and any other major decisions. The added stress will impact negatively on your mental health, both now and in the long-term. As far as possible rather rely on support from family and friends at this time.

Reach Out

Don’t suffer alone. There are many places to find comfort and understanding. Talk to your friends, family, and community leaders about your feelings. It’s totally okay to sound like a stuck record right now.

Vocalising your emotions is a good way to begin coming to terms with them and it will help you to learn to accept the many changes you’re facing right now.

Reach out to us. Remember your loved one on our website by adding your story, read our blogs, and follow us on social media where you’ll find many others going through the same emotions as you are.

We won’t allow the memory of your loved one to simply pass away along with the COVID-19 pandemic.