Dealing with Grief When You Can’t Say Goodbye

Closure is the most important part of the grieving process, and it’s difficult enough in normal times.

Nowadays, thousands of people just like you are having to say goodbye to their loved ones without the comfort that a formal funeral can bring, or much-needed support from family and friends.

Here are some tips on dealing with grief in this strange new world.

Remind Yourself it’s Okay to Feel Emotions

Going through grief involves a wide range of complex emotions including guilt, shock, fear, confusion, and sometimes relief. All these emotions are okay and part of the natural grieving process. There’s no right way to grieve, and no award for ‘nailing’ it.

Journaling your daily emotions and experiences can help you go through this process.

Accepting this range of feelings is key to overcoming grief eventually.

Accept Who You Are Now

Often, our significant others form an important part of our identity. They’re part of how people see us. It’s hard to go from being a beloved child to an orphan overnight and this creates an overwhelming sense of confusion and emptiness.

Take this time to reaffirm your unique identity as an individual.

Bereavement Rituals Help

There are ways to find closure without a funeral gathering. Other therapeutic rituals include creating a memory book, lighting candles, posting a remembrance piece on our website, or writing a farewell letter to the deceased person.

Private time to process your emotions is imperative for healing.

Avoid Total Isolation

By the same token, it’s important to share your experiences with others. Reach out via phone, email, Zoom, or WhatsApp to friends and family.

No matter how awkward this may seem at first, you’ll soon get used to using these lifelines of emotional support. It’s often the only way to get support during these troubled times.

When in doubt, reach out to a mental health professional to help you cope. A few kind words from a grief counsellor can go a long way towards helping you overcome your grief.

Don’t let the pandemic take any more away from you. It’s true that life must go on, as hard as it seems right now. You’ll be surprised how much help and support you’ll get from the people around you, so embrace it.

Keep checking back on our website and social media pages for more uplifting articles and guidance. We can get through this together.